One of the most basic ways to expand your business is by adding a new product line. Remember, though – you need to ensure that the market will be receptive. To know that you must do extensive research on any potential competition before investing in the idea. Learning about your competition will help you figure out how to market your product in a way that sets it apart from theirs. If this idea doesn’t seem like something that would be profitable for your business, consider adding new features to an existing product line instead of starting with a whole new one.
A marketing strategy is an essential part of any business, but when you have a small, growing company, it’s all the more important to ensure that every aspect of your marketing campaign is up-to-date and working well together as one fully cohesive unit. This includes everything from developing a website to social media marketing and more. Your strategy should be flexible enough to adapt as your business needs change.
You don’t have to depend just on digital marketing to draw in new customers. A great way to do this is by offering free samples at trade shows and other public events – just make sure that you have enough of the product on hand for everyone who wants one. Research has shown that people are much more likely to buy a product if they get the chance to try it before committing.
Think about your existing customers – what is their gender, age range, and geographical location? Once you’ve determined this, start looking for another demographic that might be interested in buying your product. Consider everyone from older consumers to people who live outside the city – you never know what might work until you try.
Traditionally, businesses rely on loans from banks to get them past a rough patch, but what if the right bank loan isn’t available? Consider borrowing money from friends, family members, or fintech companies instead. Fintech, which stands for financial technology, has been growing in popularity in recent years. They provide a range of services that include everything from investing to lending – which can be very useful for small businesses looking to expand. In his best-selling book, “Banking 4.0 —Banking Everywhere but Never at a Bank,” Brett King explains how fintech could pose an existential threat to conventional banks because of the convenience they offer to customers. Fintech companies are often more flexible with repayment terms and timing, which could make the difference between staying afloat or going under completely. SOS Capital, for example, can get you the money you need in 24 hours. Whatever you do, don’t let lack of funds be a barrier to your success.